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   Keep an eye on this page as work progresses on the Killer Rides Project Car. Updates will start to happen very soon as we get stuck into the body, chassis, driveline and interior mods to create a one-of-a-kind Bullet Nose Stude. 

   The Ultimate goal for us is to drive the wheels off Road Rage. We intend to get to as many shows, cruise nights and events as we can including many interstate trips. Hell, I'm keen to cruise it down the shops to get the Milk and Bread as well as the daily school run!

   Let the fun begin...

UPDATE - JAN 21, 2016

Well there has finally been some progress made on Road Rage. The nose panel has been relieved of all the 'no longer required' holes and the lip that ran along the bottom of the panel has been removed so that it now flows from each front guard seemlessly. Likewise, the chassis rails that protruded through the panel have been trimmed back to allow a much smoother look to the front end. Ivan Hans, who built and owned the Mr Hyde Torana handled the sheet metal makeover with ease. More updates to come very soon... 

UPDATE - AUGUST 9th, 2016


   Trying to find the time to do some work on Road Rage has been the issue to date with so many other things taking priority, including Killer Rides Live. I did manage however to get a full day in getting all of the old interior trim removed to make way for the four bucket seats that will eventually be mounted in place.

   Its always fun undoing old rusty bolts and screws and this was no exception with on particular arm rest screw refusing to come out. Apart from that, the seats, door trims and flooring came out relatively easy. I was so relieved to find that the floors in Road Rage was like brand new! No rust, no bends and no repairs. Happy Days! I've sat the quartet of VE Commodore seats in place to see how they would look and that's about as far as I got. Hopefully it won't be too much longer before the next update...

UPDATE - AUGUST 19th, 2016


We are also welcoming Brian at Kilduff Shifters who we are now Australian Agents for. We are using the RHD Lightning Rods on the 4L80e that will back the blown and EFI 392ci Gen 3 Hemi.



  It's been quite a few months since the last update, but we've now put in a big day and relieved the Stude of its engine, gearbox, tail shaft, wiring and other odds and ends that were no longer required. The removal of all that "junk" paves the way for the installation of the updated front suspension that will be next on the list of improvements. A big shout out to Steve and Brian at Get it Done Restorations for the time and effort to get the Stude a little emptier than it was. Stay tuned for more updates soon... 

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